Hospital of the Transfiguration Polish WL 2001

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Hospital of the Transfiguration, the Polish Wydawnictwo Literackie 2001.jpg

title: Szpital Przemienienia

original (Polish) title: Szpital Przemienienia
English title: Hospital of the Transfiguration
language: Polish
country: Poland
place: Cracow
form: book
publisher: Wydawnictwo Literackie
publication date: 2001
edition: first

cover: hard
cover by: Tomasz Lec
afterword: Jerzy Jarzębski
pages: 223

ISBN: 83-08-03145-5
ISSN: 83-08-02932-9
series: Dzieła zebrane (83-08-02932-9)
dimensions: 145x215 mm