Magellan Nebula Hungarian Móra Ferenc 1965

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Magellan Nebula Hungarian Móra Ferenc 1965.jpg

title: Kalandok a világűrből

original (Polish) title: Obłok Magellana
English title: Magellan Nebula, the
language: Hungarian
country: Hungary
place: Budapest
form: book
publisher: Móra Ferenc
publication date: 1965

translator: Mészáros István

cover: hard
cover by: Csergezán Pál
illustrator: Csergezán Pál
pages: 233-328

print-run: 11.500

[Stanisław Lem. Obłok Magellana: Wstęp; Dom; Młodość; Gea; Komuniści; United States Interstellar Force; Obłok Magellana]