Fourteenth Voyage (textbook Świat w słowach i obrazach) Polish WSiP 2009
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textbook title: Świat w słowach i obrazach
type of school: secondary school grade: 3
textbook author: Witold Bobiński
title of Lem's text: Podróż czternasta
title of Lem's text in Polish: Podróż czternasta
title of Lem's text in English: Fourteenth Voyage, the
title of Lem's book: Dzienniki gwiazdowe
Polish title of Lem's book: Dzienniki gwiazdowe
English title of Lem's book: Star Diaries, the
language: polish
country: Poland
place: Warsaw
form: book
publisher: WSiP
publication date: 2009
volume: second
edition: ninth
pages: 126-133
ISBN: 978-83-02-10638-5