Tales of Pirx the Pilot Russian AST 2020

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Tales of Pirx the Pilot Russian AST 2020 0.jpg

title: Pilot Pirks

original (Polish) title: Opowieści o pilocie Pirxie
English title: Tales of Pirx the Pilot
language: Russian
country: Russia
place: Moscow
form: book
publisher: AST
publication date: 2020
volume: Complete Works Vol.7

translators: Borisov A.; Agapkina T.
translator: Dushenko K.
translator2: Vaysbrot E.
translator3: Shirokov F.
translator4: Gromova A.
translator5: Nudelman R.
cover: hard
pages: 672 (5-373)

ISBN: 978-5-17-121464-7
print-run: 2500
series: Lem — sobraniye sochineniy (Neo)

Nr +322a 1/2 Content in Polish: Test; Odruch warunkowy; Patrol; Albatros; Terminus; Polowanie; Opowiadanie Pirxa; Wypadek; Rozprawa; Ananke; Fiasko. Fragment: https://fantlab.ru/edition270096.pdf